Symbolische Anthropologie der Moderne. Kulturanalysen nach Clifford Geertz
Frankfurt/M.: Campus Verlag 1999
240 pp., DM 58,-; ISBN 3-593-35890-5

Symbolic anthropology of modernity. Cultural analyses after Clifford Geertz
MÖRTH, INGO & GERHARD FRÖHLICH: Searching for the "informal logic of actual life"
ZIEGLER, MEINRAD: Reflections of the research logic of a methodological nonconformist
DWORSCHAK, HELMUT: On the problem of intercultural understanding
STAUBMANN, HELMUT: Societal background of deception strategies
WALLMANNSBERGER, JOSEF: Geertz being questioned
ELLRICH, LUTZ: Pomp and charisma. On the poetics of power
MOSER, JOHANNES: On cultural meanings of work
HELMERS, SABINE: Digital cock fights. On the ethnography of computer virtuosi
MIKLAUTZ, ELFIE: Giving gifts as symbolic action
RUSSO, MANFRED: Fashion and body images of Punks, Skins and Hooligans
WASNER, BARBARA: Ethnomethodology and symbolic worlds of meaning
KRASBERG, ULRIKE: Pregnancy with the apple. A thick description of "cultural truth"
GIRTLER, ROLAND: The honor of the rebel. The "risk" of the ethnographer and the "artificial poacher" Mathias Schwarz
MÖRTH, INGO & GERHARD FRÖHLICH: Twelve languages, seven disciplines, five continents: A comprehensive bibliography of Clifford Geertz
*Abstracts of these papers appear under the names of the authors*

Keywords: Geertz, C., symbolic anthropology, thick description, culture analysis, modernity, meaning, hermeneutics

in: German Anthropology online